Wetsuit Maintenance 101: Expert Tips on Care and Cleaning - WALLIEN

Wetsuit Maintenance 101: Expert Tips on Care and Cleaning


Embarking on aquatic adventures, whether it's surfing, diving, or snorkeling, always brings a sense of excitement and connection with the water.

Central to these experiences is your wetsuit – a vital piece of equipment that keeps you warm and protected in various water environments. However, like any investment, a wetsuit requires proper care and maintenance to ensure it continues to function at its best.

Understanding how to effectively clean and care for your wetsuit not only extends its lifespan but also improves your comfort and safety in the water. In "Wetsuit Maintenance 101: Expert Tips on Care and Cleaning," we delve into the essential steps every water enthusiast should know.

From basic rinsing techniques to deep cleaning and proper storage, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to keep your wetsuit in top condition, ensuring many more memorable water adventures.


Person rinsing a wetsuit


Rinsing: The First Step in Wetsuit Care

After a fulfilling day in the water, the first and most crucial step in wetsuit maintenance is a thorough rinse. Rinsing your wetsuit properly after each use is essential to remove saltwater, chlorine, sand, and other environmental residues that can degrade the neoprene material over time.

Why Rinsing is Important:

  • Saltwater and Chlorine Removal: Salt and chlorine can dry out the neoprene, causing it to lose flexibility and eventually crack. Immediate rinsing helps prevent this damage.
  • Residue Removal: Sand and other particles can get trapped in the wetsuit's material, leading to abrasion and wear.


How to Rinse Your Wetsuit Effectively:

  1. Use Fresh, Cold Water: Hot water can harm the neoprene. Always use cold or lukewarm fresh water for rinsing.
  2. Gentle Rinsing: Turn the wetsuit inside out and rinse thoroughly. Using a hose or a shower, gently flush out all areas of the suit, paying special attention to zippers and seams.
  3. Avoid Soaking: Long soaks can cause certain types of neoprene to swell and lose shape. A quick, thorough rinse is sufficient.
  4. Repeat if Necessary: If you’ve been in heavily chlorinated water or dirty environments, consider a second rinse to ensure all contaminants are removed.


Post-Rinse Care:

After rinsing, gently squeeze out excess water without wringing the suit. Wringing can damage the neoprene and affect the suit's fit.


Frequency of Rinsing:

Make it a habit to rinse your wetsuit after every use, regardless of whether you’ve been in a pool, freshwater, or the ocean.

Incorporating this simple yet vital step into your routine can significantly extend the lifespan of your wetsuit. Regular rinsing not only maintains the suit’s condition but also ensures it's ready for your next adventure.


Handwashing a wetsuit in detergent


Deep Cleaning: Techniques and Solutions

While regular rinsing is essential, periodically your wetsuit will require a more thorough deep cleaning to remove built-up salts, oils, and odors. Deep cleaning your wetsuit is a straightforward process that can be done at home with some basic care.


Choosing the Right Cleaning Solution:

  • Mild Soap or Wetsuit Cleaner: Use a mild soap or a specialized wetsuit cleaner that's designed to be gentle on neoprene. Avoid detergents, which can be too harsh and damage the material.
  • Natural Alternatives: If you prefer natural options, a solution of baking soda and water can be effective for odor removal.


Steps for Deep Cleaning Your Wetsuit:

  1. Fill a Tub with Cool Water: Use enough water to submerge the wetsuit fully.
  2. Add Cleaning Solution: Mix in the mild soap or wetsuit cleaner as per the instructions.
  3. Submerge and Soak: Turn the wetsuit inside out and submerge it in the solution. Let it soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Gentle Agitation: Gently agitate the water to help loosen any dirt or oils.
  5. Rinse Thoroughly: After soaking, rinse the wetsuit thoroughly with fresh, cold water to remove all soap residues.
  6. Repeat if Needed: For heavily soiled wetsuits, a second soak might be necessary.


Drying After Deep Cleaning:

After cleaning, hang the wetsuit to dry in the shade or indoors. Avoid direct sunlight and heat sources, which can degrade the neoprene.


Frequency of Deep Cleaning:

The frequency of deep cleaning depends on how often you use your wetsuit. For regular users, deep cleaning every few months is advisable. For less frequent users, once or twice a season should suffice.

Deep cleaning your wetsuit is an integral part of its maintenance. It not only keeps the wetsuit in good condition but also ensures hygiene and comfort for your next water adventure.

Wetsuit hanging to dry


Drying and Storage: Best Practices

Proper drying and storage are crucial for maintaining the integrity and extending the lifespan of your wetsuit. Incorrect practices can lead to material degradation, mold growth, and unpleasant odors. Here's how to do it right:


Drying Your Wetsuit:

  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: While sunlight quickly dries a wetsuit, it can also damage the neoprene. Dry your wetsuit in the shade or indoors.
  • Hang Correctly: Use a wide hanger designed for wetsuits to avoid stretching the shoulders. Alternatively, drape the wetsuit at its waist over the hanger.
  • Air Circulation: Ensure good air circulation around the wetsuit for even drying. Do not leave it bunched up or folded.
  • Turn Inside Out: After the outside is dry, turn the wetsuit inside out to ensure the interior dries completely.


Storing Your Wetsuit:

  • Dry Completely Before Storing: Store your wetsuit only after it’s completely dry to prevent mold and mildew.
  • Use a Proper Hanger: Store the wetsuit on a wide hanger or lay it flat. Avoid using thin hangers, which can deform the shoulders.
  • Cool, Dry Place: Keep your wetsuit in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Avoid Folding: Folding can create creases and weaken the neoprene. If you must fold it for travel, do so loosely and unpack it as soon as possible.


Long-Term Storage:

If you won’t be using your wetsuit for an extended period, check it periodically to ensure it’s in good condition and adjust its position on the hanger.

By following these drying and storage guidelines, you can significantly extend the life of your wetsuit, ensuring it remains in good shape for your next water adventure.


Repair and Professional Care: When to Seek Help

Even with meticulous care, wetsuits can undergo wear and tear. Understanding when and how to repair your wetsuit, as well as when to seek professional help, is vital for extending its life and maintaining its functionality.


Identifying Common Wetsuit Damage:

  • Small Tears or Holes: Caused by fingernails, sharp objects, or prolonged use.
  • Seam Rips: Stress from pulling on the wetsuit or improper storage can lead to seam damage.
  • Zipper Issues: Broken or stuck zippers are common issues that can often be repaired.


DIY Repairs:

  • Neoprene Glue: Small tears and holes can be fixed at home using special neoprene glue. Apply the glue to both sides of the tear, let it dry briefly, and then press the sides together.
  • Patch Kits: For larger tears, neoprene patch kits are available. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure a watertight seal.
  • Zipper Maintenance: Regularly clean and lubricate the zipper to prevent issues. If it's stuck, gently use a lubricant to loosen it.


When to Seek Professional Help:

  • Large Rips or Damaged Seams: These require precision and expertise to ensure a watertight and durable repair.
  • Severe Zipper Damage: If the zipper track or teeth are damaged, a professional replacement may be needed.
  • Material Degradation: Over time, neoprene can degrade. If your wetsuit is significantly losing flexibility or showing extensive wear, consult a professional.


Maintaining Your Wetsuit’s Warranty:

  • Some repairs, especially on newer wetsuits, may be covered under warranty. Always check your wetsuit's warranty terms before attempting DIY repairs.

Knowing how to address minor damage and recognizing when professional care is needed can save you time and money while ensuring your wetsuit remains a reliable companion in your water activities.


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